michaelchorost.com is now a true blog.

The conversion of my website’s main page into a real blog is done. It’s now possible to subscribe to my posts with an RSS reader. (An RSS reader, such as Google Reader, lets you subscribe to various blogs so you can see the authors’ latest posts all in one place.) You can also comment on my posts — and please do!

My deep thanks to the talented Abbie Cranmer, author of the blog Chronicles of a Bionic Woman, for doing the conversion with great skill. Abbie is also a cochlear implant user, and I recommend you read her blog regularly, as I do.


  1. Hi Michael,

    You don’t know me, but I’ve been reading about you for several years now, by way of articles and now blogs that have come my way over the years.

    I’ve just added your blog to my feed on google reader, as well as Abbie’s.

    I was implanted in 1993. For 15 years I had near normal hearing and was not in the slightest hard of hearing. Unfortunately my implant stopped working properly in may/June last year, and I’m currently undergoing tests to see if I can have my left ear implanted. It hasn’t heard anything for 16 years, so there’s that element of doubt all over again.

    I started a blog – but because I’m still undergoing tests, I haven’t blogged about how truly devastating my loss of heairng is just yet. I’m not able to really as I get too emotional at present. However I’ve touched on hearing difficulties, but will be blogging through the process of reimplantation once things get moving along. I have a test in 2 weeks to see if my nerve is intact on the left side – has to be under a general anaesthetic though and I will know more then. (www.robyncarter.blogspot.com)


  2. About time. More CIborgs.

    Hey, anything about technology, biotechnology and communication is something I watch out for everyday.

    Mike, check your email…



  3. Yay! It’s about time! I’ve bookmarked you so that I can get the latest, especially when you get activated soon! Hope you are doing well!

  4. Welcome to the CI blogs. I have really enjoyed reading your website since I was implanted in July of 2007. I am starting on your book and can’t wait. We do have a connection – Let Them Hear did my appeals and approval as well. Can’t wait for your bilateral adventures.

  5. Mike Royer says

    welcome to the 21st century chorost!

  6. Congrats Michael! Its much easier for the RSS field to tell me when you update instead of browsing through 1 of 45,271 blogs that don’t have it!

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